Lynx – Alexa Enabled Smart Humanoid Robot with Facial Recognition

Lynx is the new humanoid bot for your family with the always growing skills of Amazon Alexa to bring you the smart home companion of the future. This Alexa equipped bot is here to make robotics more f

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$799.99 USD + Shipping $899.99 (11.11% OFF)
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Lynx is the new humanoid bot for your family with the always growing skills of Amazon Alexa to bring you the smart home companion of the future. This Alexa equipped bot is here to make robotics more fun for you. This cyborg is more human-like and entertaining. You can order it to control your smart home devices or read your emails and so on. Besides, this robot can also help you check your home when you are away. Thanks to the cameras present inside the bot. It also has an attractive expression for making your communications more hominoid.
  • Examine your favorite Amazon Alexa features by enabling the Lynx skill in the Alexa app. Demand for a flash briefing or weather update, control your Alexa-enabled smart home devices and more.
  • In Avatar Mode, you can observe, hear, and speak all by your Lynx robot so that you can be present, even from far away.
  • In Surveillance mode, Lynx can observe your home or office or take a fun, picturesque photo of friends.
  • Lynx is continuously growing smarter and more helpful as new traits are added through software updates. Please assure that you have the latest versions of the Lynx app and firmware to keep your Lynx robot performing at its best.
  • Microphone & Speakers
  • Robotic Servo Motors
  • 1080p Camera with Facial Detection
  • Integrated Sensors
  • Avatar Mode
  • Lynx with Amazon Alexa

It is all in all, a super Alexa-enabled robot for homes who do not prefer Amazon Echo and would like to opt for something more hominoid.

$799.99 USD + Shipping $899.99 (88.89% OFF)
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By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.

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