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ANDI Robot: Scientists finally develop a robot that can sweat heavily like humans

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Image credit : The Hustle Introducing ANDI, an innovative "thermal manikin" capable of perspiring profusely in response to hot weather, just like a real person, in order to regulate its own temperature. Additionally, ANDI can simulate heavy breathing when experiencing temperature-related stress. Despite its somewhat unsettling appearance, this robot serves a significant purpose. With global temperatures on the rise, the presence of heat-trapping urban areas constructed with concrete exacerbates the problem. Scientists at Arizona State University have developed a customized version of this perspiring android to assess the impact of extreme temperatures on the human body. [caption id="attachment_187510" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]scientists-robot-sweat-heavily Image credit : Futurism[/caption] Konrad Rykaczewski, the project's principal investigator and a mechanical engineering professor at ASU, explained that conducting numerous tests with a real person would be both unethical and dangerous. He emphasized that what is presently considered "peak heat" may become an average day in two decades. While previous manikins have been utilized in controlled heat laboratories, this ASU-owned robot is the first to incorporate an "internal cooling system," enabling outdoor use and testing. ANDI's purpose extends beyond measuring the potential effects of extreme temperatures on human life and health. The researchers also aim to discover innovative heat mitigation methods with the assistance of this manikin. Also read : PIGINet: MIT’s Household AI Robot’s Problem Solving Skill May Enhance By Up To 80% Moreover, by replicating human internal "organs," ANDI is expected to provide valuable insights into documented cases of heat-related deaths.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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