Home » News » AST SpaceMobile achieves space-based LTE speeds of 10+ Mbps using AT&T network

AST SpaceMobile achieves space-based LTE speeds of 10+ Mbps using AT&T network

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Image credit : AST SpaceMobile As it tests its LEO BlueWalker 3 satellite with unmodified, commercial devices on the ground, space-based cellular connectivity provider AST SpaceMobile claimed that it has consistently achieved download speeds of more than 10 Mbps over LTE. For the testing, which was carried out in Hawaii in June utilizing numerous off-the-shelf handsets, AST SpaceMobile employed leased AT&T airwaves and Nokia Radio Access Network equipment. The business claimed that it tested initial LTE speeds of up to 10.3 Mbps for phone calls to AT&T staff members as well as data speeds. [caption id="attachment_184652" align="aligncenter" width="2560"]AST SpaceMobile Image credit : SpaceNews[/caption] AST stated that it is planning to move the 5G cellular tests after further assessing the capabilities of its BlueWalker 3 satellite. According to AST, it already has "agreements and understandings" with more than 35 mobile network operators, including Vodafone Group, Rakuten, Orange, Telefonica, TIM, Telstra, Etisalat, Africell, and others. Vodafone Group and Rakuten are also investors in the company. Also read : Japan to Spearhead the Space-based Solar Power Race, Efforts In Full Swing Despite Heavy Cost “AST SpaceMobile’s space-based cellular capabilities are designed to be a critical extension for cellular communications. In addition to supporting basic voice and text that we expect from phones, it would also enable users to browse the internet, download files, use messaging apps or stream video,” said Abel Avellan, chairman and CEO of AST SpaceMobile. “Achieving this milestone from an unmodified, standard cell phone on the ground connecting through our low Earth orbit satellite is another groundbreaking moment in telecommunications history and an important step toward AST SpaceMobile’s goal of bringing broadband services to parts of the world where cellular coverage is either unreliable or simply does not exist today.”

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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