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The Easiest Ways to Take a Screenshot on Your Chromebook in 2023

(Image Credit Google)
source: Acer Corner Chromebooks are popular devices for students and professionals alike, offering a lightweight and affordable option for basic computing needs. If you are a Chromebook user, you may find yourself needing to take a screenshot from time to time. Here are some of the easiest ways to take a screenshot on your Chromebook in 2023.

Use the Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the simplest ways to take a screenshot on a Chromebook is to use the keyboard shortcuts. To capture the entire screen, press the "Ctrl" and "Show windows" keys (the latter is typically located above the 6 key). To capture a specific portion of the screen, press "Ctrl," "Shift," and "Show windows" keys, then click and drag the cursor to select the area you want to capture.

Use the Screenshot Tool

Another easy way to take a screenshot on a Chromebook is to use the built-in screenshot tool. To access this tool, click on the "Launcher" icon (the circle with a dot inside, located in the lower-left corner of the screen), then select "Screenshot" from the menu. This tool allows you to choose whether you want to capture the entire screen or a specific area. [caption id="attachment_141034" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] source: TelecomTalk[/caption]

Use a Third-Party App

If you prefer more advanced features, you can also download a third-party screenshot app from the Chrome Web Store. Some popular options include Lightshot, Nimbus Screenshot, and Awesome Screenshot. These apps offer features like annotation, image editing, and cloud storage for your screenshots. Also read: Discovering the Chromebook Keyboard Shortcut Hub: Your Key to Efficiency Taking a screenshot on a Chromebook is a simple and straightforward process, with multiple options available depending on your preferences and needs. Whether you prefer keyboard shortcuts, built-in tools, or third-party apps, there is a method that will work for you. By using these tips, you can quickly and easily capture screenshots on your Chromebook in 2023.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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