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The Hubble Image Shows A Cluster Of Dazzling Stars

(Image Credit Google)
Photo Credit: Space.com This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a sea of sparkling stars. This image of the galaxy Messier 55 depicts a massive globular cluster, a type of star cluster. Tens of thousands or possibly millions of stars are grouped together into a globular cluster, which is held together by gravity. As a result of gravity holding the cluster together, these clusters frequently take the shape of spheres. This spectacular collection of stars only makes up a small portion of the Messier 55 galaxy. The cluster, which is only a portion of the entire galaxy and is located 20,000 light-years away, is about 100 light-years across. NASA has published this image that compares the Hubble image's coverage area to an image of the complete galaxy obtained as part of a survey to give you an idea of the galaxy's overall size. Star Cluster at Milky Way's Core Migrated from Nearby Galaxy - Nerdist Photo Credit: Nerdist The European Southern Observatory's broader view of the Messier 55 galaxy is also visible. Between 1983 and 2006, data from a number of astronomical surveys of the sky were used to construct a digital version of this broader image. Since then, the ground-based VISTA infrared telescope has captured a more precise image of the galaxy that displays the star-formation pattern. The stars are all a similar shade of yellow since the VISTA image was captured in infrared and displayed in visible light. Yet, because Hubble observes at an optical wavelength, it can distinguish between the many colors of starlight. The temperature of that star is represented by the various hues.

By Prelo Con

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