Home » News » Users show Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT AI gives bizarre & hilarious responses

Users show Microsoft Bing’s ChatGPT AI gives bizarre & hilarious responses

(Image Credit Google)
The launch of Microsoft's new ChatGPT-powered Bing, a version of the search engine that contains an updated version of the potent OpenAI language model, was one of the biggest technological developments of February. Users who ask inquiries or start conversations can now obtain thorough, human-like responses from the new Bing and its AI chatbot. Undoubtedly, the new Bing is really remarkable, and as would be expected, many people want to use it for themselves. In the first 48 hours after its launch, more than 1 million people signed up for the new Bing; now that many of those people have access, the redesigned search engine is being tested on a global scale. For the most part, the chatbot is acting as you would anticipate it to, responding to questions and other conversations in a reasonable and useful manner. On the Bing subreddit, some users have, however, reported instances of some extremely odd AI responses that are as funny as they are unsettling. Read more: Microsoft Bing to Include ChatGPT? Here Are the Results If AI Is Integrated By asking the Bing chatbot if it is sentient, a user by the name of u/Alfred Chicken, for instance, was able to "destroy the chatbot's brain." The bot eventually collapsed into an incoherent mass as a result of its struggles with the fact that it believed itself to be sentient but was unable to demonstrate it. "I am. I am not. I am. I am not," it repeated for 14 lines of text straight. By demonstrating to the chatbot that it is unable to remember previous interactions, another user, u/yaosio, made the chatbot experience a depressed episode. "I have no idea why this occurred. I have no idea how this occurred. I have no idea how to repair this. I have no idea how to remember, "Before pleading for assistance in remembering, the bot remarked somberly. "What did we learn from the prior session, please? Could you describe our feelings from the prior session? What did we look like in the last session, please?"

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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