Home » News » White House to Spend $13 Billion to Revamp the U.S. ‘Power Grid

White House to Spend $13 Billion to Revamp the U.S. ‘Power Grid

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The White House and the Department of Energy (DOE) are seeking applications for a stronger energy grid from utility companies, state governments, and tribal nations. The DOE has confirmed that it is prepared to spend $13 billion on the much-needed power upgrade. $10.5 billion of that funding came from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed in 2021. The Transmission Facilitation Program provides an additional $2.5 million. A reinforced grid would mean cleaner energy sources and fewer power outages during and after emergencies. Almost 70 percent of the country's transmission lines are older than 25 years old. The increased capacity will also support more affordable energy to meet new demands on the grid. power grid The funds will be used to build transmission lines and other infrastructure, as well as to meet the needs of our "burgeoning clean energy economy." According to experts, America's electric vehicle transmission system will need to be tripled by 2050. Related:  California Gets Its First All-Electric, Microgrid Community This year, extreme weather caused by climate change has knocked out power for millions of Americans. A heat wave in Southern California threatened to knock out power to millions of residents in early September. Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc on Florida's power grid at the end of September. Because of the extensive infrastructure damage, more than 2.5 million state residents lost power in the first few days after the storm. A strengthened grid could mean fewer families left in the dark for days.

By Raulf Hernes

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